Half Way

We're at the half way point of the year.  The blogging has been non-existent. The weddings have been plenty.  So I thought I'd do a little 'past six months' beauty parade. 

At the start of the year there was the announcement of Pantone Colour of the Year, Greenery. Some may scoff at trends, but seriously I've been greening up everything from ceilings, tennis court posts, arches, bannisters, you name it.  That trend aside, I'm feeling a real backlash again the rose.  I know!  But there's lots of bride's out there that just want something a little more textured or less traditional perhaps. That said, peonies are still firmly a massive hit.

It's also the week before Tatton, I'm off to chat about logistics with the RHS. Mechanics and logistics, about 50 per cent of the work. And then it's list writing. Flower lists (the best bit), sundries lists, tools lists. Time to dig out the hi-vis and doc martins. Passes at the ready.  It really is quite a daunting prospect, I just hope the judges are kind.