2017. What can I say? On a personal note it was a pretty incredible year.
So many great events. Weddings, photoshoots, installations...working with some pretty awesome industry pros, growers, creatives and planners. Collaborations are something I am aiming to work on again in 2018, more editorial/art based projects and creative shoots in the pipeline. I like taking risks (not the type that makes you lose your house or anything!), but not playing it safe when it comes to design. It is not in my make up, I'm all up for a challenge.
Growing my first ever chrysanthemums was pretty cool too. This is definitely something I want to grow more of next year. And at the plot the exciting news is that we've been accepted into the National Garden Scheme and will be flinging open our doors to the public in July.
The Greenery trend for 2017 really did take off, and was wholly embraced by many of my clients. I covered everything from arched stairways, chandeliers, ceilings, lychgates...you name it. I will be looking at design trends for 2018 in my next blog.
But for now I'm reflecting on the year, taking stock and appreciating life over the last twelve months. So many high points. Seeing my wife run London, Berlin and New York marathons was incredible (see the world, marry a runner). And the quiet moments of simply hanging with my dog in my PJ's. 2017 was pretty awesome!